Thrive Pathway Activity 66

Participate in the Organization of a Special Event

There are ongoing ministries that happen at Southcliff and in the community, and there are special, short-term ministries that happen throughout the year. Some examples of these short-term ministries are Spring Break Out, Pray 24, Harvest Festival, Convoy of Hope, and others. Because of their size and scope, there are opportunities for people to help organize these events to make them effective.


1 Peter 4:10
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”


  • Look for events that might coincide with down seasons in your schedule.
  • Check to see if your ministry area leads any specific special events.
  • Ask friends about which ministry event they enjoy serving in the most.

For more Thrive Pathway activities on this topic:

#22  Serve at a special event at church
#31 Memorize and understand Romans 12:1-2
#32 Develop a calendar
#44 Serve on a ministry team
#48 Choose ministries to consistently pray for
#63 Prioritize a “tithe” of time in your schedule 

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4100 SW Loop 820 | Ft Worth, TX 76109
(817) 924-2241

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