
Give Online

Online giving is a safe and easy way to give electronically with Access Southcliff to Southcliff Baptist Church. If you would like to make an offering to Southcliff online, click one of the links below.

Give Online

First Time Giver

Click the First Time Gift button, this will take you to the Access Southcliff home page. From the menu bar, select the GIVING option. This will enable you to designate the fund to which you are contributing. If you have any questions about the funds, please contact the church office.


Mission trip scholarships

For mission trip scholarships to specific individuals, select "missions" and type in the recipient's full name in the memo field. If you do not do this the funds will not be directed to that person. Instead, it will be used to meet the needs of a variety of individuals.


Setting up recurring giving

Enter the amount, a memo (if necessary), and check the option for "recurring" if you choose for this to be a recurring contribution. If "recurring contribution" is checked, more boxes will drop down for you to input details about the contribution. An email confirmation will be sent to you showing the amount and date of your donation.


Frequently Asked Questions

For any other questions, concerns, or comments about the online giving system, please contact the Church Office by email at or by phone at 817-924-2241.

Is it safe to give online?

What types of account can I give from?

Are there any fees involved with giving online?

Can I set up a recurring contribution?

Can I change my personal information once I have set it up?

Can I review my donation history online?

Will I still receive a regular contribution statements from the church?

When will contributions be taken from my account?

Southcliff Church
4100 SW Loop 820 | Ft Worth, TX 76109
(817) 924-2241

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