Uplink Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings preteens are ushered into an atmosphere of worship as they sing worship songs, seek God in prayer and study God's word with an adult leader who is excited to help them see its meaning in their lives. The lessons taught during Uplink Sunday mornings are from Lifeway's "Gospel Project" curriculum and are specially chosen to address issues relevant to the challenges of Preteens. They are matched to their growing physical, mental, and spiritual maturity, and are consistent within Southcliff's Journey, a lifelong spiritual development plan.

  • Uplink preteens meet on Sundays from 9:20-10:40 AM.
  • Uplink preteens meet in the Uplink Cafe' in the Annex Building located across the street from the main building.
  • Preteens can come dressed just as they would for school. Modest dress is expected.

Mission Measures for Preteens


A Growing Relationship with God

At Southcliff, we will challenge Preteens to build their relationship with Christ and develop godly character.

A Healthy Relationship with Family

We will help Preteens deepen their relationship with their family, and help parents relate to their Preteen in healthy ways.

An Active Relationship with the Church

We will teach the importance of service and fellowship as a member of the church and provide opportunities for our Preteens to serve the church.

A Missional Relationship with the World

We will teach Preteens how to share the basics of their faith and challenge them to an authentic Christian faith in the world.

Southcliff Church
4100 SW Loop 820 | Ft Worth, TX 76109
(817) 924-2241

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