Safety and Security

About Safety and Security

We believe it is of the utmost importance to make Southcliff a safe and secure place for you and your family.

Reducing the Risk

All volunteers who work with any child under the age of 18 are required to complete the "Reducing the Risk" screening process. This screening involves a criminal background check, interview with a minister, church membership, and training. We do this to protect our children and youth, provide for their safety, and prevent inappropriate behavior with a child or youth. Volunteers are required to be members of Southcliff Baptist Church and actively involved in the church. In certain instances the membership requiremens and six month rule may be waived with the consent of the appropriate age group Minister.

Ministry Safe

Ministry Safe is used with any volunteer that is going on any overnight trips or 5-day consecutive camps, such as VBS. This program teaches the volunteer how to spot sexual abuse and what to do if they see something of concern.

Southcliff Church
4100 SW Loop 820 | Ft Worth, TX 76109
(817) 924-2241

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