Become A Member of Southcliff
The word
“church” is used in two ways throughout scripture. One is the Church
universal, the Body of Christ. This use of the term describes the church
comprising every person who is a believer in Jesus Christ. The second
usage, and by far the more prominent one, is a reference to a local body
of believers: the church at Ephesus, the church at Rome, etc. The local
church is a vital part of God’s Plan. Joining a local church is not
mandated in scripture, but there is evidence that there was some method
of belonging.
Romans 12:5
“So, we who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.”
Acts 2:47
“And the Lord added to them day by day, those that were being saved.”
Joining a church gives these distinct advantages:
- It provides for accountability in your spiritual development.
- It provides accountability to spiritual leadership.
- It provides a sense of authenticity when sharing your faith with others.
- It provides a place to exercise your spiritual gifts to strengthen the Body of Christ.
- It provides a place to connect with others to find resources that are helpful to the Christian walk.
Signing up for and attending a Discover Southcliff class leads to becoming a member.
For more Pathway activities on this topic:
#17 Join a Grow Group
#20 Understand the strategies of Southcliff
#44 Serve on a ministry team
#45 Participate in worship weekly
#47 Share your Faith Story